What is the Reputation Management Process? A Comprehensive Guide

Reputation management is a process of gathering information, developing effective strategies, and executing tactics to influence and control the audience's perception of a brand. Companies use social media monitoring tactics and reports from a customer support team to analyze reputation and manage it through social media, emails, and chatbots. In some cases, reputation management companies are connected to websites that publish defamatory and unverified statements about individuals. You have significant control over your online reputation, expressed through your ranking, what customers see, and how they respond online.

To understand how a company can implement a reputation management strategy, I spoke with Ellie Flanagan, senior manager of corporate communications at HubSpot. It can be useful to use reputation management software, especially if you work for a small or medium-sized company with limited PR resources. Offline reputation management shapes the public perception of that entity outside the digital sphere through clearly defined controls and selected measures to achieve a desired outcome that ideally represents what stakeholders think and feel about that entity. If you are engaged in online reputation management for the first time, it makes perfect business sense to leverage the knowledge of your ORM partner.

Brand safety has recently been discussed in discussions with reputation management, and we will explain what it is about below. Analyses and information do not include industry-level competitive benchmarks or benchmarks for overall online reputation. The most common reason for needing online reputation management is unhappy customers, and with good reason. Reputation management is an essential part of any business strategy as it helps to ensure that your brand is seen in a positive light by customers and potential customers. It is important to monitor your online presence regularly to ensure that any negative comments or reviews are addressed quickly and effectively.

Try to search for all different types of conversations, as all comments are useful for understanding perceptions and improving your reputation. For many large companies with multiple locations, online reputation management is a truly all-new opportunity to drive operational efficiency, cost reduction, customer satisfaction and top-of-the-line revenue growth.